Alright, let’s just dive in! The Law of Assumption sounds almost too good to be true…doesn’t it? You just assume something, and boom…reality shifts to match it. So… is it really that simple? Or are we talking about some wishful thinking, built on some shaky foundation of…well…hope?
Let’s break this down.
What’s the Law of Assumption, Anyway?
The Law of Assumption (in its essence) says that whatever you assume to be true about your life and yourself, becomes your reality. Kind of mind-bending, right? It’s almost like a cheat code for life, except it doesn’t really work unless you truly believe it. Like, if you assume you’re successful, love will find you, and money will start flowing, you’re, uh, apparently supposed to see evidence of it showing up in your world. It’s like you’re creating your own destiny, without any of the magic fairy dust—just the assumption, plain and simple.
This isn’t some new-age fluff, though. Neville Goddard, in the 1950s, had a theory that your imagination is the blueprint for your world. So the idea is that the world around you is actually just a mirror of your inner thoughts and assumptions. What you believe is what shapes what you experience. Like, if you believe you’re unlucky, your life starts to look unlucky, and if you believe things are about to get better… then maybe they will? But it’s never that simple, is it?
So—does it actually work?
The Inner Workings: The Brain’s Oddly Complicated Role
Okay, I can already feel your skepticism creeping in. “So wait, just by assuming something is true, the universe is supposed to rearrange itself for me?” Yeah, it does sound a little too perfect. But hang on, because it’s not just some random mental trick. It’s rooted in how your brain works. Yes, your brain.
Let me explain. Your brain is kind of like a supercomputer (though, let’s be real, it’s way more complicated and strange). When you assume something to be true—deeply, like “I am worthy,” or “I will succeed”—your brain starts to conform to that belief. It’s like switching on a new mental setting. Think of it like you’re tuning a radio to the frequency of success. Once you do that, your brain begins picking up on all the signs, opportunities, and information around you that align with that assumption. So, your brain doesn’t just accept that assumption—it works with it.
Let’s break it down:
- The Power of Assumptions: Rewiring Your Brain
Picture this: the more you assume something to be true, the more your brain starts to reinforce it. It’s like building a path in a forest—over time, the more you walk down that path, the easier it is to walk. Same with your thoughts. If you repeatedly assume you’re destined for success, your brain builds “neural highways” to make that assumption stronger. It starts to ignore the distractions, the irrelevant stuff, and focuses on what fits with your belief. Suddenly, that big opportunity you missed before—it’s front and center now.
For example, let’s say you assume you’re going to crush that big work presentation. What happens? You practice more, you show up looking sharp, and, without even realizing it, you carry yourself with a quiet confidence. Your assumption about how you’ll perform helps you perform better. It’s not magic, it’s just how your brain reacts to your own beliefs. The results? They’ll follow suit. - Neuroscience Isn’t Lying
Let’s talk about something nerdy: neural pathways. Your brain has a whole network of these little “roads” that form as you repeat thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. So when you assume something—say, that you’re destined for great wealth—your brain strengthens those pathways. And when the paths are strong enough, your behavior starts aligning with that belief. Suddenly, you’re more likely to spot financial opportunities…take calculated risks…or make smarter decisions. It’s like your brain’s doing the heavy lifting for you. Or with you. - It’s Emotional, Too: Fueling Your Assumptions with Feelings
Ah, now here’s where it gets a bit, well, messy—and exciting, if you ask me. Emotions! They aren’t just sidekicks to your thoughts; they fuel them. When you feel your assumptions deeply—when you’re not just thinking “I deserve success,” but feeling it, every fiber of your being believing it—your assumption gets supercharged. It’s like adding extra fuel to a fire, or (better yet) strapping a rocket to it.
Here’s a wild example: let’s say you’re assuming good health. Not just on the surface, but really, truly, feeling healthy. What happens? You start acting like it—you eat better, you get outside, you sleep more. And what do you know, your habits start matching your assumption. The universe (or, let’s be real, the energy around you) picks up on that and seems to send more of that good health your way.
So… Does It Actually Work?
Can you really assume yourself into a new reality? Well… it’s not as simple as just sitting around assuming things. Sorry, but if you’re hoping for that, you’re probably going to be disappointed. But there’s a catch—it’s not just about assumption. It’s about aligning everything. Thoughts, actions, behaviors, feelings and beliefs. All these things have to be in alignment.
Consistency—It’s Not a One-Time Thing
This isn’t a quick fix. I’m talking about consistency. People love the idea of “instant manifestation” (we all do, right?), but the reality is that this works best when it becomes part of your daily life. Like, when you learned a new skill, say, a new language? You didn’t just study it once and boom, speak fluently. No, it took time, practice, and yeah, mistakes along the way. Same here. Reprogramming your mind takes work—daily, consistent work.
So be consistent and be Persistent!
Real-World Examples of the Law of Assumption (It’s Not All Just Theories)
You can literally use this law everywhere. But—and this is important—you’ve got to live it. You can’t just assume stuff on a whim and expect fireworks.
- Career: Assume you’re already in the role you want. Act as if. Talk to people like you’re already at the top of your game. Suddenly, you’ll notice opportunities to prove you’re ready.
- Relationships: Assume you’re lovable, deserving of affection, and that the right people are drawn to you. Watch how your interactions change.
- Wealth: Assume abundance. Assume you’re already wealthy. And then, well, start making decisions that match that assumption.
Final Thoughts (Are You Still With Me?)
So, does the Law of Assumption work? Yes. Your assumptions are the quiet architects of your reality. They shape your actions, your relationships, and yes, even the outcomes. But they only work if you believe in them with everything you’ve got.
So, maybe… just maybe… this is the secret you’ve been waiting for.